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The Chapel at Mercer

Sun, Sep 06


Chapel At Mercer

Time & Location

Sep 06, 2020, 10:00 AM

Chapel At Mercer, 300 S Pitt St, Mercer, PA 16137, USA

About the event

The Chapel will be OPEN for Public Worship on Sunday at 10 (Inbuilding/Live Stream) & 11:30am (Outdoor Service)

Service will Live Stream at 10am on Facebook, YouTube, and at our website.




We will conduct worship services, with social distancing, limited singing and interacting.All children will worship with parents in sanctuary. There will be no kids classes, howevernursery will be open for breast feeding & diaper changing. We will continue to livestreamworship @ 11:30am for vulnerable population and those who are not ready to return.

Service Times

10am & 11:30am (Goal: split crowd 50/50)


We will shorten services to 45 minutes to reduce opportunities to spread germs andallow time to clean between services. (less singing, no meet & greet)


Everyone will enter through Beaver Street side door. Greet on porch. We will post legalnotice and instructions for social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be readily available. Wearingfacemasks will be optional.

Legal Notice

“The Chapel at Mercer has taken preventative measures to reduce the spread ofCOVID-19, however, please be advised that by entering this public space, you are assuming therisk as the Chapel at Mercer cannot guarantee that you and/or your children will not becomeinfected with COVID-19. If you are feeling ill, please stay home and participate via LIVESTREAM.When you are feeling better, we look forward to worshipping with you here at The Chapel.”

Social Distancing

We will block off 50% of pews & chairs. We will open doors & windows andrun fans to improve ventilation. We will remove Bibles from pews (encourage worshipers tobring their own Bibles), eliminate paper bulletins and use lock boxes for offering.


We will provide open coolers with water bottles in sanctuary. Worshipers maybring their own coffee.


We will encourage EVERYONE to exit building promptly via Pitt Street door (by handicapramp). Fellowship outside with family & friends while maintaining social distance.


We will establish team to clean & disinfect facility after each service.

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