Portersville Bible Church Live Stream
Sun, Apr 12
Livestream begins at 10:45am https://www.portersvillebible.com/watch Also online giving is now available. https://www.portersvillebible.com/giving
Time & Location
Apr 12, 2020, 10:45 AM
About the event
Our vision for Portersville Bible Church is to be the Salt and Light Christ would have us to be in Western Pennsylvania. By the grace of God we aspire to missionally live out the Gospel to the community around us and see our God lead people closer to Himself through us. This vision is for each of us to be ever growing and glorifying God as said in our mission statement:
Our mission is glorifying God...
in Worship ...by praising Him with all we are in Preaching ...by listening to and speaking God's Word in Giving Ourselves ...by living and telling the gospel in Prayer ...by conversing with God together and alone in Being Together ...by being near each other and God